Cell Line Development (CLD)

1. Transfection

2. Apply selection pressure

3. Expansion

For cell line development with ARRALYZE you can keep the routines you are used to. Since ARRALYZE is an open platform, you can build your expression construct the way you like, use the same chemistry as before and conduct the transfection the way that is most efficient for your cell type. Also, expansion and selection pressure steps can be carried the way you prefer.

4. Individualization of cells

The ARRALYZE workstation becomes extremely useful during the individualization step. Equipped with a microscope and tools for cell picking, you can remove single cells and transfer them to the ARRALYZE glass arrays to individual compartments. As input formats you can use petri dishes, microtiter plates and other formats.

5. Cell printing

You can place all cells in separate glass wells with high accuracy. With ARRALYZE you can choose the geometry and size of these wells according to your experimental designs. When necessary, the print heads can replace some of the used medium or refill antibiotics. This way you can keep the conditions for your cells constant for long periods of time.

6. Ensure monoclonality

After printing, you can check the wells and the condition of the cells directly with a high-resolution microscope that can even detect ghost cells on well walls. This way you can ensure monoclonality even more. The pick-up of the single cell was already supported by the microscope. Now, after printing, inspecting the well again with the microscope allows a very high degree of certainty that only single cells actually end up in the well.

The populated arrays can be sealed if necessary and incubated in an external incubator.

7. Hit picking and cell recovering

After a specified time, you can rescan the array to find the best performing cells for further processing. The potential candidates can now be isolated with ARRALYZE's cell picking tools. For adherent cells, you can trypsinize individual wells beforehand with the print head. The microscope is again of great help in finding the wells of interest and aligning the picking tool. The picking tool can dive into the well and aspirate its content - including the cells.

8. Isolation

9. Expansion

10. Scale up and production

The isolated cells can now be transferred into standard 24 well plates or other formats and removed from the ARRALYZE workstation. Standard expansion protocols and culturing routines can be conducted to scale up cell growth for production.

ARRALYZE advantages for CLD in summary:

1. Open Platform

2. Ensures high certainty of monoclonality

3. Highly flexible and freely programmable routines

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Logo: ARRALYZE  LPKF Laser & Elektronics